Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
> Me again...
> I'm finding that the CAF Example application is pretty slow on my AMD
> 500 Mhz testing system. Every request takes at least 3 seconds,
> presumably because perl has to launch, then load, parse, execute, run
> etc tons of packages.
That sounds like quite a bit.  Then again, I haven't worked on a 500 mhz
system in quite a while either.  I've been running it as a straight CGI,
but I did the tests under mod_perl and it worked.  (Though it can be a
real pain to configure a Log::Log4perl configuration such that it works
both under CGI and mod_perl transparently.)

> When I run the examples under Apache::Registry, they are much much
> faster. Deleting users via Example_5 seems to hang though... firefox
> sits and spins. Log files aren't doing anything exciting and CPU usage
> looks normal on the server.
Have you tried using Apache::PerlRun?

Not sure why you're experiencing this issue.  I can't say I've seen
anything similar.
> Is anybody using CAF in production, or is it really alpha quality? It
> seems to have so much potential...  How do you handle performance? I'm
> wondering if I should stick to CGI::Application + Class::DBI +
> Template::Toolkit for now...
CAF is both used in production and is "alpha quality", whatever that

CAF is CGI::Application + Class::DBI + Template::Toolkit.  It's just
prepackaged in a lot of ways.  If you integrate these things on your own
then you'll end up redoing a lot of what makes CAF CAF.  Sure, you're
hitting a lot of bugs / issues with CAF at the same time right now when
you start using it, but you'll hit all the same issues with your own
solution whatever that may be.  The only difference is that you'll have
the same bugs gradually with your own solution, rather than all at once,
so it will seem easier as you only have to solve one bug at a time. 
It's an illusion, but it's a useful illusion.

I don't think I used a startup.pl file in my previous tests.


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