This is Father Monty in America. I'm
trying to reach Dr. Wallace Baxter and
his wife Dina Baxter who moved to Andorra
from Richmond, Virigina, USA, in 1987.
Wallace and Dina are British and both are
medical doctors. The telephone number I
have for them in Andorra is out-of-date
and I have tried repeatedly to call them
in Andorra, but with no luck. If any of you
good folks there in lovely Andorra -- which
I hitch-hiked through some 30 years ago on
my way to Barcelona -- happened to know 
Wallace and Dina Baxter, please relate my
message and have them either e-mail me --
which is attached -- or telephone me in America at 501.609.9111. Or if you have their 
e-mail or phonne number in Andorra, please send it and I will call them for certain. 
Thanks again. No, I don't like snow!! Never have and never will. But snow folks are 
really neat people but they can ski and break their necks though not me! Good cheers 
to you!
Father Monty.
United States Anglican Church House.
Hot Springs National Park.
Arkansas, USA.
The Boyhood Home of
William Jefferson Clinton

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