In message <a04310101b6fa66a782f1@[]>, Jordi Robert-Ribes 
>I can confirm the "shopping paradise" status. The long queues to get 
>out of the country on week-ends can confirm it. They are not only 
>buying cigarettes and alcohol.
>Any one else has other comments?

Yes.  Cigarettes, alcohol, perfumes, jewellery, watches - luxury goods 
in general and anything which is heavily taxed in other countries. 
There is a modest duty on imports to the country but most things are 
cheaper in Andorra as there's no sales tax.  Remember, however, that as 
Andorra is not an EU country the lower Customs allowance applies when 
you bring the goods out.  Note also that the Spanish customs at la Farga 
de Moles search every car coming out.  The French at Pas de la Casa make 
spot checks so you take your chance if you try to drive through without 
declaring. :-)

E. J. Jewell   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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