Hi all!
I've just been introduced to Cake world! But I have some problems in
understanding how the framework handles the data from forms. I've done
a simple model 'User' (username & password as attributes), and then
I've created a controller with:

* an 'index' action that displays a login form
* a 'login' action that does the login (not implemented yet ;)

I currently have problems because I can't understand how data passing
is handled by the framework! How can I refer to parameters from the
login form in the login action?

This is the index.thtml
<?php echo $html->formTag('/users/login')?>
    <p>Username: <?php echo $html->input('User/username', array('size'
=> '40'))?>
        <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('User/username', 'Username is
required.') ?></p>
    <p>Password:  <?php echo $html->password ('User/pass', array('size'
=> '40')); ?>
        <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('Users/pass', 'Password is
required.') ?></p>
    <p><?php echo $html->submit('Login') ?></p>

How can I refer to the params from here in the login action function?
I'm getting mad, I've read all the manuals and the blog tutorial but I
still can't figure it out >.<

Thank you for your attention, and keep up the great work!

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