On Feb 20, 3:44 pm, "anselm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Would be nice from the doc team should to clarify if scaffold is or not OK
> > for production...
> That's not really up to them to tell you -- because this is a process
> problem, not a technical problem. If your scaffolded forms do what you
> need, then, technically, you can use them in your product.The problem
> with scaffolding is that as soon as you want to change any little
> thing, you end up having to re-write the whole form.
> I've been hurt before (not with Cake) :
> Write the app with some scaffolding. You're late (as usual), the
> deadline is looking at you with big menacing eyes, and the scaffolded
> forms do the job -- so you leave them in, ship the product with
> scaffolded forms, and forget about it. Half a year later the client
> asks you to change those forms a little bit - and there you're stuck,
> because you have to do the forms completely by hand.
> Now you can either explain to the client that you didn't do the job
> properly the first time round, and that her little insignificant
> changes will cost some money and you can't do them straight away ; or
> you do the work without telling the client anything, do those forms
> (that you should have done the first time round) with the added
> complication of having to fit this extra, unpaid work in your current
> schedule (which will invariably delay your current project, pushing
> you to cut corners again...)
> Shipping a product with scafolded forms is just asking for trouble
> later ! Scaffolding is good for prototyping but I'd advise against
> using it in your actual product, because it doesn't remove work, it
> delays it. And keeping extra work for the end of a project is a sure
> way to miss deadlines.
> Anselm

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