digging up the code a bit..:
from the constructor of ErrorHandler (libs/error.php):
                $allow = array('.', '/', '_', ' ', '-', '~');
            if(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == "WIN") {
            $allow = array_merge($allow, array('\\', ':') );
                $clean = new Sanitize();
                $messages = $clean->paranoid($messages, $allow);

that means no international chars can be put inside a message..

On Jun 29, 10:56 am, phpjoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey,
> if i try to use cakeError with an international char, it simply
> ignores the information.
> for example:
> $this->cakeError('error', array(array('name' => 'PageNotFound',
> 'code'=>'404', 'message'=>'displayedmessage', 'base'=>$this->base)));
> works like a charm..
> while..
> $this->cakeError('error', array(array('name' => 'PageNotFound',
> 'code'=>'404', 'message'=>'הודעה', 'base'=>$this->base)));
> erases the data in the varible "message" and doesn't display anything.
> any ideas anyone?

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