On Feb 6, 2008, at 9:25 AM, phpjoy wrote:

> That attitude is the exact difference between ExtJS which is more
> community-driven and Zend, which is cold and company-driven.
> ExtJS succeeds because the community-force behind it drives it
> forward, because people make tons of plugins. Because they don't need
> a "bakery", they have a simple forum with a WORKING SEARCH.

How exactly does a forum do what the Bakery does? What are you talking  

> You should check how people are turning into staff/core contributers
> there and get a job if they're good enough. I didn't see anyone of the
> core-staff in there bitch about how stupid people are, how questions
> are being asked over and over again. Those messages made by users are
> either deleted or ignored.

Um, from what I can tell, Nate was *not* complaining about anything  
besides the lack of unfocused documentation efforts. Please put your  
straw man away and read his message again.

> I think that only an idiot would be happy to contribute to anything
> after such a stupid comment.
> I like CakePHP as a product (otherwise I wouldn't be here), but nate,
> you should work on your human skills.

Settle down - I think you've completely over-reacted. Nate's comment  
wasn't a flame, but yours was.

-- John

On Feb 4, 6:48 pm, nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The only comment or criticism I have is that it's a shame that such
>> efforts aren't put towards the official documentation.  John gets
>> little to no help from outside contributors, and the only way the
>> community has seen fit to contribute is with scattered, one-off
>> tutorials at various levels of currency, completeness and  
>> accuracy.  I
>> don't mean to denigrate your efforts here, but I really think that
>> efforts like these often serve to scatter and spread the pool of
>> useful information thinner, which just makes it harder to find, which
>> makes people more frustrated.
>> On Feb 3, 1:01 pm, MonkeyGirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Just to let you all know, I've finally written enough of the CakePHP
>>> guide that I'm working on to warrant putting it online at last. It's
>>> available here:
>>> http://cakephp.bytenoise.co.uk/
>>> It's only the first three chapters so far, but hopefully I should  
>>> have
>>> a lot more there over the next few weeks.
>>> Any comments and constructive criticism are both welcomed.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Zoe.
> >

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