Hi Aran and thank you

1) OK, so it's obligatory to create a root node?
Because in a tutorial, a guy has created a temporary controller to
insert ARO/ACO/ACO_ARO and he has not created this root level...
What kind of permissions and roles for this "root"?

2) Yes I'm using AclBehavior in models and AclComponent in
But I don't understand why you said that AclBeavhior doesn't create
alias?! It does!
It doesn't create "model" and "foreign_key" and for you it's normal.
OK, so what is the interest of "model" and "foreign_key" field in the
ARO table?

3) Ok, you're right to this point, it's better useful to invert the

Sorry for my simple English:


On 25 avr, 17:50, aranworld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) The syntax in the end is correct.  You could also do:
>     cake acl create aro root superadmin
> 2) When you create a node in the CLI, the model and foreign_key fields
> are blank.  If you want these fields added automatically, then you
> need to add the nodes from within your application using the models
> you created.  I presume you are using the AclBehavior?  Anyways, be
> aware that the AclBehavior does NOT create the alias for you, so you
> will have to create some coding to handle the alias creation
> automatically.
> 3) I personally feel that it is easier to put the most generic user at
> the top of my ARO tree and put the superuser at the bottom.  Let's say
> you have a user and an editor.
> If the editor is the parent of the user, you would have to do this:
> cake acl grant editor articles update
> cake acl grant editor articles read
> cake acl grant editor articles create
> cake acl deny user articles update
> cake acl deny user articles create
> If the user is the parent of the editor, then this is all you need:
> cake acl grant user read
> cake acl grant editor create
> cake acl grant editor update
> -Aran
> On Apr 25, 7:19 am,avairet<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > I'm trying to use the ACL, but I don't understand some stuff.
> > I have created the 3 tables (aros, acos, aros_acos) with the CLI.
> > Fine.
> > I have a Groups table (called 'admin_groupes' in my case).
> > I have a Users table (called 'administrateurs' in my case), with a FK
> > called "admin_groupe_id"
> > I want create 3 aros : SuperAdmin, Admin, Redacteur that correspond to
> > my AdminGroupes
> > So, I want create my first aro with the CLI and the mystery start!
> > How must I launch my command in CLI?
> > Because I've tested this :
> > cake acl create aro AdminGroupe 1 null "Super Admin"
> > and I've this error message : Could not find parent node using
> > reference "AdminGroupe"
> > If I launch this other command:
> > cake acl create aro / null "Super Admin"
> > I obtain this message : New Aro 'null' created.
> > And finally, if I launch : cake acl create aro / "Super Admin", that
> > works fine, but the "model" and "foreign_key" fields from my aros
> > table are empty... Why? Is it normal?
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