Thanks for your suggestions.

Raw queries for multiplae datbase is working fine $this->query("select
* from caketoodoo.tasks as t2, test.stores as t1 where =");

But my database name is depends on user input. How can I set
$useDbConfig variable value.
Like I made a module Task and controller TasksController. Suppose I
get database name from URL  and set $this->Task->useDbConfig =
'multiple'; (here , multiple is datbase name) that is already
configure in datbase.php
var $multiple = array(
                'driver' => 'mysql',
                'persistent' => false,
                'host' => 'localhost',
                'login' => 'root',
                'password' => '',
                'database' => 'caketoodoo',
                'prefix' => '',

then it show error  Database table tasks for model Task was not found.
because task module not getting value of  useDbConfig.

Please tell me how can I set useDbConfig  value from controller or is
there any other way to pass datbase name for module.


On Sep 22, 9:17 pm, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anotherdatabasereally isn't an option as I said this is an existing
> MySql instance.
> Yeah, I could do raw queries but I wanted to taste the cakey goodness.
> Rick

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