
I've just found out what the problem was:

- My database and its tables where setup to charset = utf-8.
- my html tag was setup to ISO-8859-1.

when we did the insert in the database, i guess the fields were passed to
the server as iso-8859-1 encoding, and saved this way in the database.
Changing the html encoding to utf-8 solved the problem for new inserted
records. Now i have to convert all data already existing in the database as


2008/9/25 Luiz Poleto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well, just updating the info, i've just checked that in my local linux
> computer the problem also happens.
> So, looks like it's related to the way Linux handle those chars.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Luiz Poleto
> 2008/9/24 Luiz Poleto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Actually, there is no accented chars in the source code. Those chars come
>> from the database, some records have fields with accented chars.The
>> problem happens when cake fill the html fields with those values. For
>> example:
>> The code:
>> echo $form->hidden('Model.field');
>> will generate something like this in the html:
>> <input type="hidden" id="ModelField" name="data[Model][field]"
>> value="value_from_database" />
>> But the database record which is accented brings me something like this:
>> <input type="hidden" id="ModelField" name="data[Model][field]" value="" />
>> note that the VALUE property is empty.
>> The strange thing is that it happens in the server only, in my local
>> machines it just works.
>> Regards,
>> Luiz Poleto
>> 2008/9/24 Rafael Bandeira aka rafaelbandeira3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> tried to set your source code files encoding to UTF-8? The default of
>>> many IDEs is to set them as ISO-8859-1, wich messes up with accented
>>> chars, make sure you are rendering your content in UTF-8 too. But
>>> anyway, I would like to point that it's not a good idea, accented
>>> chars are generally a pain the back to handle in source code, and they
>>> are not even allowed in HTML, so your views are probably going to
>>> render in quirks mode, or you are just messing with your code
>>> validation.
>>> You are better off using l10n in  views to display them with accented
>>> chars.
>>> On 24 set, 14:46, "Luiz Poleto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > Hello guys,
>>> > I'm having a strange behavior from cakePHP, which i'll try to explain.
>>> I
>>> > have the following scenario:
>>> >
>>> > - I have two environments: one is my local machine (actually, two
>>> machines
>>> > for developing), where i actually do the development, and the second
>>> one is
>>> > the server where i send the application. Both are the same, except that
>>> the
>>> > server i have Linux running, and one development machine runs windows
>>> XP and
>>> > the other runs Linux;
>>> > - My database and all its tables are set up to charset UTF-8. They are
>>> the
>>> > same in the server and in the development machines;
>>> > - I have some table fields filled with accented characters;
>>> >
>>> > Now, the problem is:
>>> > In the development machines, when i try to edit a record in any table,
>>> and
>>> > this record is accented in any part, it's ok, no big deal. But, in the
>>> > server, if i try to edit this same record, the fields which have an
>>> accented
>>> > character is not filled in the form. It's just blank!
>>> >
>>> > Things i have checked:
>>> > - I already checked the HTML source, and the "value" is empty.
>>> > - In the controller, after reading the record to edit, i write the
>>> > $this->data to a log file, and the records with accented characters are
>>> > there.
>>> > - If i set a variable like "$this->set('tmpClient', $this->data);" and
>>> echo
>>> > the $tmpClient in the view, i can see the fields which have accented
>>> > characters.
>>> >
>>> > Well, i'm still searching for a solution for this problem, but if
>>> anybody
>>> > have a clue, i would love to hear it!!!
>>> >
>>> > Let me know if i didn't make myself clear!
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > Luiz Poleto
>>> >>>

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