She's got it, yeah baby she's got it!

Oh my, thanks for your help Dardo.

So, what messed it up in the end was my old basic authentication method, which 
checked for a session variable and when it didn't find it kicked my back to 
login. And this was placed in every controller beforeFilter action except of 
course users and groups :c). 
It's message only showed up after setting the debug level back to 1 and 
overriding the redirect function of the Controller. 

So I hope that finally was it!

Muchas smoochas for your support Dardo!


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Dardo 
Sordi Bogado
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. November 2008 13:17
Betreff: Re: Auth redirect problem


> Hi everybody,
> I have auth and acl in place, but have the strange situation that 
> after logging in I can view my index of groups and users (admin and 
> normal
> routing) and can also edit users, but when I try to access any other 
> controller I get kicked back to the login form. So also the

This can be caused by missing images, css, or javascript files. I nice trick is 
to override Controller::redirect() to do nothing, so you can see what happens 
when you got kicked off an action.

>                $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 
> 'hotels', 'action' => 'index'); I have set is not accepted. Any idea 
> what went wrong?
> My user is in the admin group which has CRUD set to 1 values for all 
> controllers. So I should be allowed to see everything and Auth doesn't 
> show an error in it's flash message.

Use firebug and look for missing css, javascript or images in the net tab.

- Dardo Sordi.

> I followed the
> tutorial and adapted it to my application, which is a lot more complex.
> I also added in the app_controller.php a lot of mapActions like:
> $this->Auth->mapActions(array('update'=>
> array('edit','editKatalogplanung','editOrtplanung','editverknuepfung',
> 'e
> ditZielgebietplanung')));
> Thanks a lot in advance for any hints, this is bugging my now for days
> ;-)
> Anja
> >

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