> I assume that I would do this by adding some code somewhere in the
> AppController, but where and how would I call it?
> I don't think it would go in beforeFilter() as that would try and run
> even if a user wasn't authorised, or would I put a call in there that
> first checked if the user was logged in and then ran an action which
> would add my extra data to the session?

Well I have gone for the following which is working, but could someone
say if it is the right way to achieve what I want?

class AppController extends Controller {

  function beforeFilter() {
    if ($this->Session->check('Auth.User')) {

  function __AuthExtra() {
    $authUser = $this->Session->read('Auth.User');
    App::import('Model', 'Person');
    $person = new Person;
    $data = $person->find('first', array(
      'conditions' => array('Person.user_id' => $authUser['id']),
      'fields' => array('Person.id', 'Person.title',
'Person.first_name', 'Person.middle_name', 'Person.last_name',
'Organisation.id', 'Organisation.name')
    if ($authUser['user_group_id'] == 3) {
      $data = Set::merge($data, $person->Organisation->find('first',
        'conditions' => array('Organisation.id' => $data
        'fields' => array('Scheme.id')
    if ($authUser['user_group_id'] == 3) {
      $data = Set::merge($data, $person->Organisation->find('first',
        'conditions' => array('Organisation.id' => $data
        'fields' => array('Scheme.id', 'Agency.id')
    $this->Session->write('AuthExtra', $data);
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