
I think I've found a bug where 2 different elements are called on a
page, each for different controllers, and each method uses a contain
block in find conditions. I've just spent several hours trying to
figure out why Containable was refusing to fetch data from a
particular model, only to realise that it does work once I remove a
previous element() call from the page.

I have gone through Trac to see if this is already been reported.
Please excuse me if I missed it, as my head is pretty well spinning
from trying to figure this out (and going through Containable line by
line tonight). My guess is this is an unbinding issue, and there are
some reports of that, but I'm really not sure if what I'm looking at
on Trac is the same thing.

Here's the lowdown:

class AppModel extends Model {
        var $actsAs = array('Containable');

class User extends AppModel
        var $name = 'User';
        var $hasOne = array(
        var $hasMany = array(

class Post extends AppModel
        var $name = 'Post';
        var $belongsTo = array('User', 'PostCategory');

class PostsController extends AppController {

        /* this method is called from an element
        function front_page()
                $criteria = array(
                        'conditions' => array(
                                'OR' => array(
                                        'Post.embargo IS NULL',
                                        'Post.embargo < NOW()'
                        'limit' => 5,
                        'fields' => array(
                        'contain' => array(
                                'PostCategory' => array(
                                        'fields' => array('name')
                                'User' => array(
                                        'Admin' => array(   // <-- this is the 
model that doesn't get
included in the query
                                                'fields' => array(
                return $this->Post->find('all', $criteria);

Now, in home.ctp, I have 2 element() calls. One is for the method
above, and the other is to PublicationsController. In that method, the
$criteria is almost the same, except I'm getting
Professional.first_name, etc. instead of Admin (well, and it's
selecting publications, obviously).

Whichever one comes first on the page works fine. The other one will
get all the data for User, but not for Admin or Professional. If I
switch the second one to come first, it works and the other one fails.
So, I know my associations are all good.

As I said, I tried to figure out if this was already on Trac but
nothing jumped out at me. I'm just bloody thankful I removed thefirst
element temporarily of I'd never have figured out what's been driving
me freaking crazy for ... crap! 4 hours now.

For anyone who understands Containable better than me, does this seem
like something new?

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