I'm trying to play around with javascript and facebook. I decided to
take a shot at just added another record with this article.

I get the following error:
URLExceptionInvalid scheme for url (javascript:new Ajax.Updater
('newsEditContainer', '/my_fb_app/news/addNewsItem', {insertion:

So you don't have to go to the article, this javascript:new is from
the following PHP:
echo $html->link("Add another news ", "javascript:new Ajax.Updater
('newsEditContainer', '" . Helper::url(array("controller"=>"news",
"action"=>"addNewsItem")) . "', {insertion: Insertion.Bottom});");

I did try the Helper::url by itself (ie non dynamic javascript) and it
did find the action/controller.

One thing I wasn't sure is if the prototype.js can be used with cake
and facebook. I would think this is not true.

I think the disconnect is facebook finding my prototype.js file. I say
this because I changed the
echo $javascript->link("prototype", false);  at the top, and got the
same error. In other words I changed it to something it wouldn't find.
I also did the same by calling the Ajax.Updater something else to see
if there was a different error message.

I put the prototype.js (originally called prototype- in my
webroot/js directory. Perhaps this should be in a different driectory.
The other thought is that the $javascript->link("prototype", false);
maybe incorrect.

Any suggestions. Even if its helping debug.

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