On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 4:39 AM, vikas <vikas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi..
> I am learning cakephp myself and uptill now ACL is the tuffest topic..
> I am working on a project called TMS-Task Management System.
> In that
> There is groups table which has a entry like
> administrator,manager,developer,designer,client.
> And I have a users table. In which each user belongs to one of this
> group.
> I want to give limited access to each group of users. for example the
> users of client group can only see the tasks..
> so how to do entries in aro,aco and aro_aco tables?
> My tables are:
> -Groups
> -Users
> -Projects
> -tasks
> -attachments
> -comments
> -status

Assuming you follow this:

By the end of that tutorial, you should have set of AROs and a set of
ACOs. For each ARO of type 'Group' you want to associate it with one
or more ACOs using the aro_aco table.

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