Well first off, I friggin love cake. I finally got my ACL up and
running last night. So now I'm implementing it over to my already
built site and everything is working well. I am having a little issue
though and I believe it has to do with this code in my app controller.

        function beforeFilter() {
                //Configure AuthComponent
                $this->Auth->actionPath = 'controllers/';
                $this->Auth->authorize = 'actions';
                $this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 'users', 
=> 'login');
                $this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array('controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login');
                $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'posts', 
=> 'add');
                $this->Auth->allowedActions = array('display', 'index');
        }// end beforeFilter

I'm trying to figure out how I declare what is public. Per code above
the actionPath is all controllers so controllers are on lockdown and
we allow users based on actions and then by default any actions
"display or index" can be viewed.

For my site the whole site is public. The ACL comes in based on
membership. So lets say you are a member you would still be accessing
public pages like products for example but since you are a logged in
member you would see a cheaper price for the product. The only section
per say that I can think of that I want to be totally on lockdown is
the users account page. In future I may add sections specifically for
them but I  dont have dedicated areas just yet for members.

So basically to refine my question, how do I seperate public and
private access without declaring every single public action in $this-
>Auth->allowedActions = array('display', 'index');

Oh and one other question that Ive been trying to figure out. Is it
possible to put subfolders in the controllers forlders or is it
something you should not do or maybe can do based on certain



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