Everyone has reasons for and against various technologies.
Thankfully, CakePHP provides you a complete fantastic framework without 
limiting you to something as specific as only being able to use xhtml.

You should be able to extend the html helper for all (most?) the tags 
you want to produce.
Perhaps create a html4 helper:

App::import('Helper', 'Html');
class Html4Helper extends HtmlHelper {
    // Implement code here, maybe sometimes as simple as replacing $tags 

Good luck with it.
If you do create something that you feel does the job, submit an article 
to the bakery, and share your helper with the community!

Graham (Predominant)

gearvOsh wrote:
> Honestly I really dislike the "xhtml" type of tags in CakePHP. There
> are no reasons for that, I think it would be a better idea to make it
> html 4 strict.
> Heres an article on why xhtml is retarded.
> http://www.webdevout.net/articles/beware-of-xhtml
> >

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