In case someone stumbles upon this, an even more elegant solution
would be to ditch the controller code and use one line in your view:

<? echo $form->input('movie_years', array('type' => 'date',
'dateFormat' => 'Y', 'minYear' => '1930', 'maxYear' => date('Y'))); ?>

Much better!


On Dec 22 2008, 8:19 pm, markfm <> wrote:
> Never used $form->year before.  Maybe somebody else can come up with a
> fix for you.
> However, here's how I would skin this cat...
> In your controller, put in this code:
> $yearsToDisplay = range('1930', date('Y'));
> $movieYears = array_combine($yearsToDisplay, $yearsToDisplay);
> $this->set('movieYears', $movieYears);
> Then in your view:
> <?php echo $form->input('movie_year', array('type' => 'select',
> 'options' => $movieYears)); ?>
> Take care,
> Mark
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