I often use Firebug with Firefox to deconfuse path issues like this.
With Firebug you can inspect the image path written to HTML and edit
it (in the instance of the page) to see what it should be - as soon as
it points to the image correctly an image thumbnail will pop up in the
Firebug window. As in the other two responses, check the locations and
the Apache settings. I think XAMPP is mod rewrite enabled by default,
and I think it also installs with a phpinfo.php file so you can scan
the Apache section of that to see if the module has loaded. I'm not
sure that InnoDB is required, though. I don't often use it.

On a side issue, I don't really see the need for a *AMP stack in
Windows as it is a breeze to install the three components by hand and
you will have more control and a much better idea of what is going on.
I used XAMPP on a Mac until it irretrievably fell over and I had to
complete the Mac two-thirds setup myself by installing MySQL. Two days
later, I felt I had learned a lot more about the Mac and I now have
control of the server.

On Jan 19, 1:46 am, Sharmo <pe...@ozhonours.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use XAMPP for Windows as my localhost server. I have installed
> CakePHP. I have made my first application using CakePHP. When I try to
> view the application, none of the CSS or images appear to be showing.
> Could you please suggest what I need to do to make it start working
> properly.
> I am more than happy to post any information that you want to see in
> order for us to solve the problem.
> I have already tried the forum atwww.phpvideotitorials.comas well as
> the forum at XAMPP.
> Please help!
> Regards
> Peter
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