I got user has many event, event belongsTo eventtype and user,
eventtype has many event

make sense?  did I set this up right?

I trying to fetch all the data for one event.

Following the example in the cookbook, I tried this:

        $this->User->find('all', array(
                'conditions' => array('User.id =' => $user_id,
                        'contain' => array(
                                'Event' => array(
                                        'Eventtype' => array(
                                                'fields' => 

It fetches the user and event data fine, but won't go to the eventtype

I also tried manually binding as it was suggested here, but this
didn't work either:
                $this->User->Event->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array(
                        'Eventtype' => array(
                                'className' => 'Eventtype',
                                'foreignKey' => false,
                                'fields' => array('id','typeName'),
                                'conditions' =>  'Eventtype.id = Event.type_id'

any suggestions?  thanks.
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