There are many ways to convert the same array into XML. How will the
function know which you want? How will it know when you want to add a
value as an attribute or as a textnode?

On Jun 15, 10:34 pm, Kyle Decot <> wrote:
> I need to take an array that I have and turn it into something similar
> to:
> <items perpage = "20" total = "223" page = "1">
> <item created = "..." modified = "...">
> <text>sdfsdfkdsjfdsfljdsflkjdsfkldsjf</text>
> <somethingelse thing = "foobar" />
> </item>
> </items>
> Is it possible to do this without knowing the exact structure of the
> array I'm providing. I want to be able to pass it pretty much anything
> as this will be used in a bunch of methods. Thanks for any help you
> can provide me with.

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