On Nov 18, 2013, at 9:17 AM, Rahul Amaram <amaramra...@users.sourceforge.net> 
> Any response to this? I am unable to push to the new version to Debian as I 
> need more clarity with the migration process. Request the developers to help 
> me out with this.


When the server starts, if there is any calendar data in the DocumentRoot, that 
data will be upgraded and imported into the database. This is configured to 
happen automatically for Server.app; however for open source, please be aware 
of the following items, which are also useful for controlling how database 
schema updates are performed:

* The caldavd.plist key FailIfUpgradeNeeded

"FailIfUpgradeNeeded"  : True,
# Set to True to prevent the server or utility tools
# tools from running if the database needs a schema
# upgrade.

(and hey, looks like we have a typo... They are just tools, not tools tools :)

The cli tool calendarserver_upgrade:

andre@xomg[trunk/CalendarServer]./python bin/calendarserver_upgrade --help
Usage: calendarserver_upgrade [options] [input specifiers]

This tool allows any necessary upgrade to complete, then exits.
  -s, --status       Check database status and exit.
  -p, --postprocess  Perform post-database-import processing.
  -D, --debug        Debug logging.
  -f, --config=      Specify caldavd.plist configuration path. [default:
  -x, --prefix=      Only upgrade homes with the specified GUID prefix - partial
                     upgrade only. [default: ]
      --help         Display this help and exit.
  -m, --merge        Rather than skipping homes that exist on the filesystem but
                     not in the database, merge their data into the existing
      --version      Display Twisted version and exit.
  -o, --output=      Specify output file path (default: '-', meaning stdout).

Unless you set FailIfUpgradeNeeded to false, you need to run 
calendarserver_upgrade any time the server's schema and data version are newer 
than existing data (whether it's in the filesystem or the DB).

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