On 26/10/2007, Arjan Moraal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks James.
> Not sure if I'm ready for XQuery yet. I think I was hoping for a one-line
> solution ;)

Yeah - me too :) Well with enough XQuery knowledge, it would be about
a one liner :). I confess I'm no XQuery ninja either. Something
vaguely like...

for $x in distinct-values(//colour/@id) return //cat[colour/@id = $x]

Though warning I've never done much with XQuery so the above could be
total garbage :)

> But I now managed to do it with a custom expression:


Yeah - its nice that folks can always drop down to good old Java code
and solve problems that way; then over time hopefully we'll be able to
solve these kinds of issues in more elegant ways.


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