On Jan 27, 2008 7:56 AM, boby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have corrected the right with the terminal, maybe another thing to
> do ? or ChimericalConsole don't work whith 1.6 version of camino ?

ChimericalConsole works with all recent version of Camino, so if it's
not showing up it's probably not installed correctly. It's easy to
check: if when you start Camino, you don't see a message in your
console saying either that ChimericalConsole was loaded, or that it
was unable to load, then the OS isn't even trying to load it, meaning
that it's not correctly installed.

Mostly likely you either didn't install the whole folder (as opposed
to just the bundle), or didn't make all the necessary permissions
changes (see <http://pimpmycamino.com/news/getting-plugins-to-work-in-leopard>
for detailed instructions).

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