Yes, that would be my feeling too.  I definitely understand the  
desire to use standards for the sake of forwards-compatibility and  
interoperability; but unexpected data loss is a big deal.

On Mar 10, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Aric Guite wrote:

> The problem with all of this is that it is not (from my perspective as
> an end user) expected behavior.
> Arguments about Camino doing the "standard" thing or not aside, losing
> my Camino passwords when I reset Safari but not losing my Safari
> passwords when I reset Camino is  a problem. What are we to do? Wait
> for Apple to fix their bug?
> Is there a way we can have an option for Camino to do the non-standard
> thing and store its passwords differently? Being stuck on the right
> side of the argument but still being hit by defective behavior is
> something that I think should be dealt with in some way.
> ~Aric
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