At 12:00 PM -0700 5/28/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] supposedly scribed:

>On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 1:48 PM, paulc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  A while ago I found a small snippet of javascript that would set up
>>  my man browser window to some exact specs.
>>  [...]
>>  However, it seems that with 1.6/1.6.1, this is now broken. How come;
>>  I am curious because it works fine in the latest versions of Safari &
>>  Firefox.
>The "Prevent sites from changing, moving or resizing windows" pref
>defaults to on starting in 1.6, and bookmarklets run in the page
>context; you'll find that if you set the corresponding preference in
>Firefox (under Advanced next to JavaScript in Content) it breaks there
>as well.
>You can either turn that pref off, or switch to using an
>AppleScript-based toolbar button for Camino.

Ah, now I see.
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