At 8:27 PM +1000 on 4/22/09, kelly parayiwa wrote:

ive installed camino 1.6.6 and i have not installed 1.6.7 and its not
connecting to the internet i suspect it is because it does not recognize the
home network where do you configure this ive looked to no avail and how do
you configure the proxy for when i am at school im connected to a school
proxy which enables me to connect to the net at school.

Unless you've configured it to behave otherwise, by default Camino takes the proxy settings from the Mac OS X Network System Preferences. If you don't need a proxy at home, you probably need to remove it from your network settings for home (if you need to switch between different types of network connections, you should probably set up multiple network locations).

* Mac OS X proxy settings:
* Mac OS X network locations:

Smokey Ardisson
"He is a fool who has forgotten what became of his ancestry
seven generations before him and who does not care what will
become of his progeny seven generations after him."
          --Kazakh Proverb
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