
I'm trying to debug some installation issue on godi/mingw, and it seems to be a problem with ocamlfind using a cygwin console. When I try:

$ ocamlfind install lwt -destdir "/home/Administrateur/godi/lib/ocaml/ pkg-lib" META ocamlfind: Bad configuration: Cannot mkdir /home/Administrateur/godi/ lib/ocaml/pkg-lib\lwt because a path component does not exist or is not a directory

The problem seems to be the '\'. But trying (by putting an additional '/' at the end of destdir):

$ ocamlfind install lwt -destdir "/home/Administrateur/godi/lib/ocaml/ pkg-lib/" META ocamlfind: Bad configuration: Cannot mkdir /home/Administrateur/godi/ lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/lwt because a path component does not exist or is not a directory

It's even stranger: the path looks correct, and the parent directory exists:

$ ls /home/Administrateur/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/
bigarray findlib nethttpd netsys rpc-auth-dh str camlp4 godi-script nethttpd-for-netcgi1 num rpc-generator stublibs cgi netcgi1 nethttpd-for-netcgi2 num-top shell threads cryptgps netcgi2 netplex pcre smtp unix
dynlink   netcgi2-plex  netshm                pop      ssl
equeue    netclient     netstring             rpc      stdlib

Is there something that I am missing here?



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