I'm running OCaml 3.11.1, and I noticed something strange in some native code for matrix multiply today. The code was
[Local float ref being unboxed or not? ]

You omitted the definition of "dims", but after adding the obvious
definition, the float ref "sum" is indeed completely unboxed and is
kept in a float register (on x86-64 bits) or stack location (on x86-32
bits).  No "modify" takes place in the inner loop.  So, I don't
understand the problem you observed.  Feel free to post a report on
the BTS with a *complete* piece of code that reproduces the problem.

But, I thought that float ref's were automatically unboxed by the compiler when they didn't escape the local context.

Yes, if all uses of the float ref are unboxed, which is the case in
your code.

- Xavier Leroy

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