On Tuesday 05 January 2010 07:31:45 Daniel Bünzli wrote:
> > "Your favorite" is key here here; I appreciate you human input as I
> > can use a search engine to find any old OCaml editor easily.
> Then I think a more interesting question is, what features do you
> absolutely need to be productive ?
> I'm rather low tech and not the "power user" type but still I couldn't
> do it without (keyboard access to) :
> 1) Syntax highlighting and reasonably automatic identation following
> ocaml's programming guidelines [1]


> 2) Ability to invoke a build tool so that reported errors allow me to
> automatically jump to the offending lines.

Yes but I'd rather have an IDE constantly recompiling and automatically 
flagging errors such that I can jump directly to them using the GUI.

> 3) Ability to invoke built programs so that reported stack traces
> allow me to automatically jump to the offending lines.

I don't use that so often, but yes.

> 4) Ability to read annot files so that I can query the type of the
> symbol under my cursor.

Absolutely essential.

> 5) Ability to switch rapidly between an ml file and its corresponding mli.


> 6) Ability to edit C sources.

Bah. Real men use LLVM.

> I guess many people would add
> 7) Ability to access the documentation of the symbol under my cursor.

That should go in with the type throwback. Also, it should support typeset 
math and vector graphics. And the source should be unicode with easy access 
to common alphabets and symbols.

> Regarding 7) I have a low tech approach which is to use gnome do (on
> linux) or quicksilver (on osx) to index
> the documentation generated by ocamldoc. Since the latter
> intelligently produces an html file "Module.html" for a module named
> "Module" I can quickly access its documentation by invoking gnome do
> with its hot key, type an abbreviation of "Module" and hit return.
> This opens the document in my browser where I scroll or search in the
> page to get to the symbol.

I tend to use ocamlbrowser.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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