Alright, apologies to Julie for hijacking her thread. That was not my  
intention. I'm rectifying the situation by giving the documentation  
topic it's own thread.

So, here's the status of Capistrano documentation:

1. The existing manual (  
is woefully out of date.

2. My login to update the manual is broken, and has been for months,  
so I cannot do anything about that copy of the manual.

I'd like to find some way to allow the Capistrano community to  
contribute documentation, since that way I don't have to do it. :)  
Seriously, though, with the community working the docs, they will be  
much more likely to stay up-to-date, and accurate. I do not want to  
go the wiki route, for various reasons. Ultimately, I'd like to be  
able to provide a printable version of the docs, as well as a version  
for reading online, but that may be too pie-in-the-sky.

Ezra has generously offered to host whatever we decide on. Does  
anyone have any suggestions for what we can do? Perhaps a wiki is  
really the only solution right now. I suppose it is better to have  
something immediate up-and-running, than wait a year while we try and  
devise a "perfect" solution.

- Jamis

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