Incidentally, if you want to run without a pty in general (which is  
handy, because then your .bashrc will be loaded for each command), you  
can specify :pty => true on specific commands to force those to use a  

   sudo "foo", :pty => true

- Jamis

On Jun 27, 2008, at 2:42 PM, Jamie Orchard-Hays wrote:

> Thanks, Jamis!
> Jamie
> On Jun 27, 2008, at 4:32 PM, Jamis Buck wrote:
>> You need to tell cap to create a pty for each process:
>>  default_run_options[:pty] = true
>> Annoying, but some commands that have interactive components (like
>> sudo) won't run if they aren't run with a tty.
>> - Jamis
>> On Jun 27, 2008, at 2:20 PM, Jamie Orchard-Hays wrote:
>>> I'm getting this error when I try to use sudo to copy a file from a
>>> tmp dir to init.d. I'm using Cap 2.4.1 *without* Cap's deploy file,
>>> as
>>> this is a non-rails deployment. Here's the error:
>>> * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' cp /var/www/apps/tmp/xtfd /
>>> etc/init.d/xtfd"
>>>   servers: [""]
>>>   [] executing command
>>> *** [err ::] sudo:
>>> *** [err ::] sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
>>> *** [err ::]
>>>   command finished
>>> command "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' cp /var/www/apps/tmp/xtfd /etc/
>>> init.d/xtfd" failed on
>>> Here's my task:
>>> set :user, "deploy"
>>> # etc...
>>> namespace :xtf do
>>> desc "Setup the XTF server, including the init.d/xtfd script"
>>> task :setup, :roles => :xtf do
>>>   file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "xtfd")
>>>   template =
>>>   buffer =
>>>   run("mkdir -p #{xtf_tmp}")
>>>   put buffer, "#{xtf_tmp}/xtfd", :mode => 0766
>>>   sudo("cp #{xtf_tmp}/xtfd #{xtfd}")
>>>   sudo("rm -f #{xtf_tmp}/xtfd")
>>>   sudo("chmod 755 #{xtfd}")
>>>   sudo("#{chkconfig} xtfd on")
>>> end
>>> end
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jamie
> >

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