Going through this \



some other online doc above, capistrano 2, it appears to be a design of 
cap2 to perform the git status on the local workstation as well. Is there a 
way to override this setting and make the git commands to run only on the 

On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 1:08:12 PM UTC-7, okram wrote:
> i just started my test  of using cap2, i was depending on a Chef resource 
> called "deploy_revision". The cap testing deploy:check looks all okay. But 
> when i try to perform a deploy, i got this authentication failure. I can go 
> in to the server, su to the user for deployment and perform the same 
> command successfully. But it appears to me that capistrano is trying to 
> test the authentication from my local work station to the repo. The repo is 
> not a github repository. i tried by adding the private rsa key for the user 
> on the ssh-agent but it still fails. Please suggest.  
> Versions:
>    - Ruby -- Ruby-2.1.1
>    - 
>    - Capistrano v2.15.5
> Platform:
>    - Working on.... ubuntu 12 precise
>    - Deploying to... RHEL 6.6
> Logs:
>    - Please past logs (as completely as possible to a 3rd party pasting 
>    service such as pastie.org)
> Test :
> ± |master ✓| → cap testing deploy:check 
> ffi-yajl/json_gem is deprecated, these monkeypatches will be dropped 
> shortly 
> * 2015-04-21 12:05:49 executing `testing' 
> ffi-yajl/json_gem is deprecated, these monkeypatches will be dropped 
> shortly 
> triggering start callbacks for `deploy:check' 
> * 2015-04-21 12:05:51 executing `multistage:ensure' 
> * 2015-04-21 12:05:51 executing `deploy:check' 
> * executing multiple commands in parallel 
> -> "else" :: "test -d /opt/mount1/oss/releases" 
> -> "else" :: "test -d /opt/mount1/oss/releases" 
> servers: ["serv1", "serv2"] 
> [serv2] executing command 
> [serv1] executing command 
> command finished in 465ms 
> * executing multiple commands in parallel 
> -> "else" :: "test -w /opt/mount1/oss" 
> -> "else" :: "test -w /opt/mount1/oss" 
> servers: ["serv1", "serv2"] 
> [serv1] executing command 
> [serv2] executing command 
> command finished in 551ms 
> * executing multiple commands in parallel 
> -> "else" :: "test -w /opt/mount1/oss/releases" 
> -> "else" :: "test -w /opt/mount1/oss/releases" 
> servers: ["serv1", "serv2"] 
> [serv2] executing command 
> [serv1] executing command 
> command finished in 453ms 
> * executing multiple commands in parallel 
> -> "else" :: "which git" 
> -> "else" :: "which git" 
> servers: ["serv1", "serv2"] 
> [serv1] executing command 
> [serv2] executing command 
> command finished in 562ms 
> * executing multiple commands in parallel 
> -> "else" :: "which rsync" 
> -> "else" :: "which rsync" 
> servers: ["serv1", "serv2"] 
> [serv2] executing command 
> [serv1] executing command 
> command finished in 456ms 
> * executing multiple commands in parallel 
> -> "else" :: "test -w /opt/mount1/oss/shared" 
> -> "else" :: "test -w /opt/mount1/oss/shared" 
> servers: ["serv1", "serv2"] 
> [serv1] executing command 
> [serv2] executing command 
> command finished in 547ms
> You appear to have all necessary dependencies installed 
> *While deploying- *
> ± |master ✓| → cap testing deploy 
> ffi-yajl/json_gem is deprecated, these monkeypatches will be dropped 
> shortly 
> * 2015-04-21 11:40:46 executing `testing' 
> ffi-yajl/json_gem is deprecated, these monkeypatches will be dropped 
> shortly 
> triggering start callbacks for `deploy' 
> * 2015-04-21 11:40:48 executing `multistage:ensure' 
> * 2015-04-21 11:40:48 executing `deploy' 
> triggering before callbacks for `deploy' 
> * 2015-04-21 11:40:48 executing `deploy:stop_app' 
> * executing multiple commands in parallel 
> -> "else" :: "sudo /etc/init.d/oss stop" 
> -> "else" :: "sudo /etc/init.d/oss stop" 
> servers: ["serv1", "serv2"] 
> [serv2] executing command 
> [serv1] executing command 
> ** [out :: serv1] Stopping 
> ** [out :: serv1] cat: /var/run/oss.pid: No such file or directory 
> ** [out :: serv1] pidfile not found 
> ** [out :: serv2] Stopping 
> ** [out :: serv2] cat: /var/run/oss.pid: No such file or directory 
> ** [out :: serv2] pidfile not found 
> command finished in 604ms 
> * 2015-04-21 11:40:50 executing `deploy:update' 
> ** transaction: start 
> * 2015-04-21 11:40:50 executing `deploy:update_code' 
> updating the cached checkout on all servers 
> executing locally: "git ls-remote ssh://
> repou...@privaterepo.com:29418/abc-oss test" 
> Received disconnect from 2: Too may authentication 
> failures 
> fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 
>  Please make sure you have the correct access rights 
> and the repository exists. 
> *** [deploy:update_code] rolling back 
> Command git ls-remote ssh://repou...@privaterepo.com:29418/abc-oss test 
> returned status code pid 15621 exit 128 
> Files:
>    - Capfile
> load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) # cap2 differentiator
> # Uncomment if you are using Rails' asset pipeline
> # load 'deploy/assets'
> Dir['vendor/gems/*/recipes/*.rb','vendor/plugins/*/recipes/*.rb'].each { 
> |plugin| load(plugin) }
> load 'config/deploy' # remove this line to skip loading any of the default 
> tasks
>    - 
>    - *deploy.rb*
>    - 
> require 'capistrano/chef'
> require "capistrano/ext/multistage"
> set :application, "oss"
> set :repository, 'ssh:// <//ows_ctf_bu...@cgit-pro.houston.hp.com>
> repou...@privaterepo.com:29418/abc-oss' 
> :user, 'python'
> set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
> set :deploy_to, '/opt/mount1/oss'
> set :scm, :git
> set :copy_exclude, [".git", ".gitignore"]
> set :scm_verbose, true
> ssh_options[:paranoid] = false
> default_run_options[:pty] = true
> # set :scm, :git # You can set :scm explicitly or Capistrano will make an 
> intelligent guess based on known version control directory names
> # Or: `accurev`, `bzr`, `cvs`, `darcs`, `git`, `mercurial`, `perforce`, 
> `subversion` or `none`
> before "deploy", "deploy:stop_app"
> after "deploy", "deploy:start_app"
> namespace :deploy do
> task :update_code, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
> on_rollback { puts "DO NOT WANT TO ROLL BACK?" }
> strategy.deploy!
> finalize_update
> end
> task :stop_app, :roles => :web do
> run "sudo /etc/init.d/oss stop", :shell => :bash
> end
> task :start_app, :roles => :web do
> run "sudo /etc/init.d/oss start", :shell => :bash
> end
> task :restart_app, :roles => :web do
> run "sudo /etc/init.d/oss restart", :shell => :bash
> end
> end
>    - Stage files 
> testing.rb
> require 'capistrano/chef'
> set :stage, :test
> set :deploy_env, 'test'
> set :branch, 'test'
> chef_env = `knife block | grep 'Currently Selected'`.strip
> raise "Deploy env #{fetch(:stage).to_s} does not match chef #{chef_env}" 
> unless chef_env.include? fetch(:stage).to_s
> chef_role :web, "role:oss", :attribute => Proc.new { |n| n["name"] || 
> n.name}
> --------

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