I have a capistrano deploy that I override a task definition in order to do 
some custom things, an incomplete example below. My problem is, capistrano 
doesn't seem to check for errors when this happens. So, in my code that 
does things like reload nginx, if the config is bad and it can't reload, 
capistrano continues on like there's no issue. How do I make capistrano pay 
attention to the exit codes like it normally does?

    namespace :symlink do
        desc 'OVERRIIIIIIDE'
        task :release do
            on roles(:app), in: :sequence do
                # Make /up return a 404
                execute "touch /tmp/disabled || true"
                # Give time for ELB to fail health checks
                execute "sleep 10"
                # Wait for uWSGI to stop processing stragglers
                execute "#{release_path}/lib/wait_uwsgi.sh"

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