
   - Ruby - ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux] (from 
   - Capistrano - 3.5.0
   - Rake / Rails / etc - not installed / used


   - We are deploying a custom PHP application to a cluster, the deploy 
   works fine, until the code tries to run compass, then we receive the 

*Running "compass:release" (compass) task*
DEBUG [325e3552] Warning: Command failed: /bin/sh: compass: command not 
found   Use --force to continue.

I read and it 
specifically calls out that rbenv causes issues, however the documentation 
doesn't provide links on how to fix anything. Now, we're not using multiple 
versions of Ruby as mentioned in the document, but we are using rbenv so we 
can run Ruby 2.2 on CentOS 6.x. The default on Cent 6 is 1.8 and our want / 
need is to use 2.2 because it is several orders faster with Compass than 
1.8. But rbenv relies on files in /etc/profile.d. 

I would be appreciative if someone could just point me to documentation on 
how to properly implement a solution - do I just use the 'with bash_env: 
"some path" do' method? Or is the "right" answer that we are forced to use 
Ruby 1.8 because that is the RPM / platform specific and supported version 
(I probably would be willing to break with standards if that is the case 
though - Ruby 2.2 is 2x-4x faster than Ruby 1.8 from what I am seeing). 


   - CentOS 6.x

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