

> Andrew,
> In my implementation, all my services are granted to all users.  If a user's
> account is compromised when all services are compromised. This is irrespective
> of how the client's host name is defined or created. Because the TGC would 
> allow
> entry to all services.
> Regards,
> Dom


The end user's hostname is irrelevant. 

The exploit does not involve the TGC and in particular the adversary 
does not acquire the TGC in this exploit.  The adversary also does not 
acquire the end user's credentials.

I agree, if the adversary were to compromise the end user's web browser, 
and so access the TGC or even better keystroke log the actual 
credentials, then the adversary could avoid mucking about with Host: 
headers on requests.

However, reliance on Host: headers on requests when determining the 
value of the service request parameter to use in validating a presented 
service ticket in a CAS client implementation, without exposing the 
credentials, browser, or TGC, does expose the relying application to 
this exploit.

The exploit is one of mis-using legitimately issued service tickets in 
order for compromised web applications to authenticate to other web 

Alice is an end user.  She has a secure, uncompromised web browser.  
Alice desires to authenticate to Eve's Student Cheating Service, a web 
application that is CASified.  Eve is the adversary and controls Eve's 
Student Cheating Service.

Another web application, also CASified, is Bob's Web File Storage.  
Bob's Web File Storage only allows direct service tickets.  It does not 
allow proxy tickets.  In particular, it does not trust Eve's Student 
Cheating Service to proxy authentication to it.

Eve desires to illicitly access Bob's Web File Storage in the name of 
Alice, thereby getting at Alice's personal files stored there.

Alice visits Eve's Student Cheating Service to get answers to her 
upcoming test.  She logs in via CAS.  So Eve's web application redirects 
the browser to CAS with service= .  Alice 
authenticates to CAS with her username and password and is redirected 
back to .  
Instead of validating the service ticket, Eve's web application crafts a 
clever request to Bob's Web File Storage.  Eve makes the request , 
setting the Host: header to reflect a host of .

If Bob's Web File Storage is secure, it will ignore the Host header and 
attempt to validate the service ticket with CAS as

This validation will fail since the service ticket was issued to access

If Bob's application is relies on the Host header to determine its own 
server name, then it will validate the ticket as

This validation will succeed; CAS will respond to the validation request 
with a validation response indicating that the service ticket was issued 
to Alice.  Eve's web application will then have successfully illicitly 
proxied authentication as Alice to Bob's application, accessing Alice's 

In this circumstance, we can say that Eve's application is compromised 
in a deep way by the Adversary -- the Adversary is running it, 
intercepting service tickets!  Bob's web application has been 
compromised in a more modest way: the adversary is successfully 
authenticating to it as users she is not.  However, Bob's application 
hasn't necessarily leaked to the Adversary the ability to inject code, 
unless a user as whom Eve illicitly proxies authentication is able to 
inject code.


> Andrew,
> In my implementation, all my services are granted to all users.  If a user's
> account is compromised when all services are compromised. This is irrespective
> of how the client's host name is defined or created. Because the TGC would 
> allow
> entry to all services.
> Regards,
> Dom
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