Preparations are well underway for the 2010 CASPER (Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research) Workshop, to be held at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA from 16 to 20 August. We expect this to be an exciting and well attended event, with a slate of speakers and attendees from the CASPER community and from industry (Xilinx and nVidia).

Please register, and optionally submit a title and a short abstract for a 20 minute presentation here:

Please note the abstract deadline is considerably earlier than the registration deadline.
Deadline for abstracts:  15 June 2010
Deadline for registration 31 July 2010 (or when filled)

Both new registrants, and those who have already registered, please help us out by submitting your proposed talk title and a short plain text abstract as soon as possible. This is very helpful for the organizers to see how the workshop is shaping up and to balance the program. The abstracts are published when submitted, so that potential attendees can see what has already been submitted, and tune their contributions accordingly. You can continue to edit your abstracts after submission. (We had some early hiccups with the abstract submission form, so those who have already submitted please check and see if it's gone missing . . . sorry if you need to resubmit).

The registration fee is $150, reduced to $50 for students. This will cover refreshments and lunches over the five days There is a separate secure page linked from the above page for payment of the fee. Registration is thus a two step process. Payment of the fee will confirm your registration. Please note that there is a hard limit of 100 attendees, and the workshop will be closed when we have that number confirmed.

A note on workshop structure: we plan to have talks, hands on tutorials, as well as break out sessions and working groups. The first day, Monday 16 August, will be dedicated to basic hands on tutorials, with some talks on the took flow as appropriate. Advanced CASPERites may choose to skip this day. The remaining days will consist of intensive talks until just past lunch time, with the afternoon set aside for hands on, working groups, and informal interaction.

Travel and hotel information is on the CASPER wiki and linked from the registration page.

We are working on the possibility of need-based partial travel support for student participants, and this will be announced, and requests solicited, if and when confirmed.

CASPER 2010 Mission Statement
Attended by about 100 international astronomy digital signal processing (DSP) experts, the annual meeting of the global CASPER collaboration traditionally includes a review of the past year's accomplishments and hands-on training for old hands and new recruits alike. Historically CASPER DSP hardware has been FPGA-based, and the 2010 CfA workshop in particular aims to reach out to the wider DSP community so as to set a foundation for a broadened CASPER mission. The collaboration plans to explore opportunities in heterogeneous computing, exploiting natural synergies between FPGAs, and other platforms such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), fast multi-core CPUs, high bandwidth coherent data storage and quasi-real time post- processing. The mission of CASPER is to streamline, simplify, and thereby accelerate the design of astronomy instrumentation by promoting design reuse through the development of platform- independent, open-source hardware and software.

Please feel free to forward this message to colleagues who may be interested. We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge.

Jonathan Weintroub, Lincoln Greenhill, Jim Moran and the SOC

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