Hi Daniel,

Welcome to Casper - the recommendations you received so far are all
good, the tutorials will help you a lot.  I think one of the things
you must bear in mind when working on an open source project like
this, is that you have to try to keep up to date - keep an eye on the
mailing list in particular and also look out for additions to the wiki
- so the printed copy is good to read now, but be aware that sometimes
things change!

Some logs exist for board configurations, so if you do run into
problems, let us know your serial number and any version numbers of
things you have changed.

If you are in Casper for the long term it would be good to start
planning to attend the next workshop where you can put faces to all
the email addresses, although that is probably only in about a year's
time from now.


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 3:02 AM, Daniel Esteban Herrera Pena
<danherr...@udec.cl> wrote:
> Hi Dan & John,
> Thank you very much for your quick reply, the wiki pages of ROACH I have
> printed out and I keep it as a bible! now I'm going to digest the tutorial
> section you mentioned. The only thing I have done is basic communication
> through serial link, so there I will have a lot to play with.
> About the questions, don't hesitate that the minor inquiry I would have
> I'll post here :).
> Cheers!
> Daniel.
>> Hi Daniel.
>> I agree with what Dan has said.  Go to
>> http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/Main_Page, look down to the menu on the
>> left, and find the tutorials entry.
>> As far as your questions about versions, etc., I think you have to be a
>> bit careful about making sure the versions match each other.  In Green
>> Bank, we have not worried about messing around in the katcp or the borph,
>> or the uboot, we just use what is recommended.  See the
>> http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/ROACH web page, and near the bottom is a
>> list of documents about ROACH.  They are pretty complete, and I hope up to
>> date.  Can someone confirm the latest versions of ROACH stuff?
>> Another recommendation that I have is to learn well your tool to analyse
>> the output of the system, either matlab or python, whichever you know
>> best.
>> Good luck, and please do ask questions on the list so that all new users
>> can benefit from the answers!
>> John
>>> hi daniel,
>>> i recommend you do some of the roach tutorials to learn
>>> how to use your system  - i think these tutorials
>>> include blinking an LED,  adding numbers together,
>>> (these tutorials teach how to use the operating system,
>>> simulink tools, borph)
>>> then building and testing a spectrometer, a correlator,
>>> (these teach how to use the DSP blocks),
>>> and using the 10Gbit ethernet interface to send
>>> high speed data into a computer and GPU.
>>> best wishes,
>>> dan
>>> On 09/27/2010 04:25 PM, Daniel Esteban Herrera Pena wrote:
>>>> Dear CASPER team,
>>>> I'm glad to be subscribed in your mailing list, I hope to receive some
>>>> advice from you these days.
>>>> I'm here because I just joined an Astronomy project in University of
>>>> Concepcion, Chile. I'm the guy who will be in charge of programming the
>>>> ROACH, so I would like to be in touch with the creators of this awesome
>>>> board.
>>>> My experience is related to hardware synthesis/design with boards like
>>>> Basys, Nexus and Virtex 2 XUP, programming on verilog with Xilinx
>>>> software
>>>> (ISE, some entry-level with EDK).
>>>> The problem here (for me) is that the ROACH system have almost nothing
>>>> to
>>>> do with the boards I had programmed before (or at lest what I could see
>>>> till now). This ROACH have file-system, kernel and a bootloader, it's
>>>> almost a PC.
>>>> I saw the ROACH wiki space, and from there I would like to know:
>>>> 1.- (from Getting started with ROACH): ROACH comes with Busybox
>>>> filesystem, why adding another (based on Debian Etch)? What advantages
>>>> have compared with Busybox?
>>>> 2.- (from ROACH kernel uboot update): Where can I see the improvements
>>>> of
>>>> the lastest uboot image? Do you recommend me to update the default
>>>> version?
>>>> 3.- (From setting BORPH on ROACH): I don't clearly have the functions
>>>> of
>>>> the kernel and the operating system (BORPH) on the ROACH. Are those the
>>>> same?
>>>> 4.- (From setting BORPH on ROACH): What are the differences between the
>>>> minimal root filesystem and the full-featured filesystem?
>>>> 5.- Do you have any examples of code that I could program the board?
>>>> 6.- What is the typical step-by-step instructions for doing something
>>>> on
>>>> the ROACH making use of the integrated FPGA?
>>>> I hope you guys give a hand understanding how this system really works,
>>>> I
>>>> really appreciate any contributions to my clarification. Thank you in
>>>> advance!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Daniel.
>>> --
>>> Dan Werthimer
>>> Space Sciences Lab and Berkeley Wireless Research Center
>>> University of Calfornia, Berkeley


Francois Kapp

Sub-system Manager
Digital Back End

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