Hi Michael,

Hmmm. Can you link the repo you're using and a reference design?


On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 at 15:05 Michael D'Cruze <
michael.dcr...@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Jack,
> To implement the change in optimisation I altered the delay_bram init
> script. Line 84 which configures the Xilinx ram block, I changed the
> parameter ‘optimize’ from ‘Area’ to ‘Speed’. No other changes were made,
> so, I think this is the former case?
> BW
> Michael
> *From:* Jack Hickish [mailto:jackhick...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 18 September 2016 22:27
> *To:* Michael D'Cruze; casper@lists.berkeley.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [casper] Spectrum woes
> Hi Michael,
> Is this actually the optimisation parameter of the xilinx bram block, or
> an optimisation of a casper block which completely changes some underlying
> circuit (eg by doing a bunch of fanout control and instantiating multiple
> small brams instead of one big one)?
> If the latter, are you sure it's not a bug in the casper implementation?
> Perhaps a mismatch of latency on various things being fanned out?
> Trust nothing.
> Jack
> On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 at 14:21 Michael D'Cruze <
> michael.dcr...@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I’ve been chasing the cause of some nasty artefacts in my spectra
> recently. The first turned out to be a known bug in the Xilinx compiler,
> activated when the BRAM_sharing optimisation in the FFT is checked, however
> the artefacts I’m seeing since seem to be activated by the RAM blocks in
> the delay_bram block being configured for “Speed”, and not the default
> “Area”.
> Below are links to two spectra. They were both recorded from the Lovell
> telescope’s L-band receiver while the telescope was pointing at the zenith.
> The logic used in both cases is identical, with the exception that the
> delay_brams in the first spectra are configured for Speed, and in the
> second they are configured for Area (default). All operating parameters
> were the same in both cases.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38103354/figure_1.png
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38103354/r13a_libs_18-09_2207.PNG
> Aside from how ugly the first spectrum looks (there are signals in there
> which simply don’t exist), even the accumulated power is different. The
> vertical scale is logarithmic so this is a factor 100 or so higher with the
> brams configured for Speed. I don’t understand how they could be so
> different, nor why configuring the brams for Speed should make any
> difference at all, not least a difference of this magnitude.
> The most worrying thing for me now is that configuring the brams for Speed
> was key to getting my larger designs (16k and 32k channels) to meet timing.
> If I need to reconfig for Area, I’m going to have to brawl with Par and
> PlanAhead all over again… It actually took a few goes to get just that 4k
> channel design to compile.
> I’d appreciate ideas/suggestions!
> Thanks
> Michael

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