Dear Casperites,

I'm trying to progdev a model to ROACH2 and I get the following error:

?progdev cntr_dram2_2016_Dec_13_1558.bof
#log info 1019840342915 raw attempting\_to\_program\_cntr_dram2_2016_Dec_13_1558.bof #log info 1019840343002 raw attempting\_to\_program\_bitstream\_of\_19586188\_bytes\_to\_device\_/dev/roach/config
#fpga loaded
#log warn 1019840343887 raw requesting\_to\_map\_a\_rather\_large\_area\_of\_0x80000000 #log error 1019840343887 raw unable\_to\_map\_file\_/dev/roach/mem:\_Cannot\_allocate\_memory #log error 1019840343890 raw unable\_to\_program\_bit\_stream\_from\_cntr_dram2_2016_Dec_13_1558.bof
!progdev fail

Anyone has any idea what's the problem? I can program other models fine, but this is the first model I compiled using the SKA fork library.



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