Just to weigh in. There's a bunch of constraints on type equivalence that
you may want to be aware of.

It does not support concrete types.
It does not support custom generic types on the interface members.
Custom attributes are not supported.
On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Michael Davis <nerei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on extending MicroKernel/Windsor
> to allow support for .NET 4's new Type Equivalence feature.  If you aren't
> familiar with this, it allows the CLR to treat interfaces (as well as enums
> and structs, I believe) that were defined in different assemblies as though
> they are of the same type, as long as certain attributes have been applied
> to them.  A good demonstration of the feature is available here:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/mshneer/archive/2008/10/28/advances-in-net-type-system-type-equivalence-demo.aspx
> I've done some basic tests to see how Windsor will react when a component
> is registered using an interface defined in one assembly and resolved using
> an equivalent type defined in another assembly.  I set up a solution
> containing three projects: a host application and two DLLs.  None of the
> projects references the other directly.  In each project I defined an
> identical interface, ICommonInterface, to which I applied the required
> attributes to enable type equivalence.  In the two DLL projects, I also
> provided implementations of ICommonInterface.  In the host application, I
> loaded both DLLs at runtime and used the fluent registration API to register
> all types implementing ICommonInterface (using the host's version of it).  I
> then tried to see if the container could resolve any instance of
> ICommonInterface (again, using the host's version of it).
> Here's what I found:
>    - Attempting to call Resolve<ICommonInterface>() failed.  Looking
>    through the code, it appears that this is because the different versions of
>    ICommonInterface have different Type instances, so a lookup on the
>    service2Handler dictionary in the DefaultNamingSubSystem (which uses Type 
> as
>    the key) will fail.
>    - However, calling ResolveAll<ICommonInterface>() returned an instance
>    of both registered classes.  I believe this is because it ultimately uses
>    GetAssignableHandlers() on the naming subsystem, which uses
>    Type.IsAssignableFrom() to check for a match instead of an equality check
>    between the types.  Presumably, .NET 4 modified IsAssignableFrom() to
>    respect type equivalence.
> From what I can tell, it seems to be possible to get MicroKernel to respect
> type equivalence by providing a custom IEqualityComparer<Type>
> implementation to the various dictionaries that use Type as a key in the
> naming subsystem (and potentially a modification to GetHandlers(Type) to use
> the same comparer instead of the == operator).  Here's the one I used:
>     public class TypeEquivalenceComparer : EqualityComparer<Type>
>     {
>         public override bool Equals(Type x, Type y)
>         {
>             if (ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
>             if (x == null || y == null) return false;
>             return x.IsEquivalentTo(y);
>         }
>         public override int GetHashCode(Type obj)
>         {
>             return obj.GUID.GetHashCode();
>         }
>     }
> Unfortunately, I haven't seen any good way of extending the
> DefaultNamingSubSystem implementation to change just this behavior.  I had
> to copy the entire body of the class to make my changes.  The main problem
> is that a subclass can't replace the dictionaries with new ones using the
> custom comparer because all of them are readonly and two of them are
> private.
> It would be a pretty simple change to the implementation to allow a custom
> IEqualityComparer<Type> implementation to be provided as an optional
> constructor argument.  If anyone thinks this is a good idea, I should be
> able to supply a patch for it.
> Does anyone have any opinions on this?
> Thanks,
> Michael Davis
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