That's a very interesting problem you are addressing.

I will tell what we did in ou desktop app. Maybe this will give you an
overview of how different people use Castle.ActiveRecord and NHibernate to
achieve their goals. I don't say the below approach is brilliant or even
satisfactory, but it does reach it indeded purpose. So yes, business value
is delivered :)

Our app is performing all operations in memory + we use (already deprecated)
NHIbernate.Generics library so that both ends of association would contain
correct data.

Say we have this use case:

1) User want to create new parent object. A parent form is opened.
2) parent editing form has also a tab, where we display a list of all childs
it has
3) user wants to add new child, so he opens child editing form
4) user presses "save" on child editing form. form closes
5) parent form now shows one child in tab
6) user click on "cancel" button in parent form, and cancels all changes

What is happening under the hood in our app is:
1) we have a list of where we store all still to be applied operations on
the database.
So to this list we add single operation - save to databse our newly created
parent, but yet not commit this.
3) a new child object is created in memory (just plain object)
4) a relationship is made from childto parent.  for ex.  child.Parent =
myParent.   Now parent.ChildCollection contains one item, which is not yet
saved to databse.   This is happening with the help of NHibernate.Generics
All database operations from child editing form are appended to database
operations from parent editing form. Now there are two operations - both are
"save to database". Firs operation saves parent, second - child.
6) when cancel is pressed, operations on databse are not applied. All
relationship changes made in memory are rolled backed. In this case,
child.Parent is set again to null.

This rollbacking makes possible to construct any-level of undo mechanism.
With this approach it is possible to work for one hour with an object and
then cancel any level of changes you made to the system.

2009/1/13 Greg Burri <>

> Hi,
> I use nHibernate with ActiveRecord in a such manner :
>    * I have a global session of type 'TransactionScope'
>    * When the user want to save his work his click on "file -> save"
> of the application menu. This action will execute a such code :
>         globalSession.VoteCommit();
>         globalSession.Dispose();
>         globalSession = new TransactionScope();
> Basically I have a dialog to edit an object 'p' of class 'Parent'
> which owns some objects 'c' of class 'Child'. Both of theses classes
> deriving from 'ActiveRecordLinqBase'.
> When the user choose 'Cancel' from the dialog after editing some
> values of 'a' and adding or removing some B objects I want to reverse
> theses changes (that is remove 'Child' objects that was added and add
> removed 'Child' objects).
> (Case 1) If I use the method "p.Refresh()" there will be an exception
> like "No row with the given identifier exists[Child#0]" in the case
> the user added some 'c'.
> (Case 2) If I use a transaction with "p.SaveAndFlush()" +
> "t.VoteRollBack()" + "t.Dispose()" then this error will be throwed :
> "Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open
> sessions" (for the same case above, where a 'b' is added).
> Is my approach is good ? Or it's a misusing of nHibernate and
> ActiveRecord ?
> I have uploaded a little sample project here :
> If you want to
> run it you need PostgreSQL or change the 'app.config'.
> This sample will create a parent and some children attached to it at
> launch.
> You can edit the 'Parent' object and change its state with the button
> "Change state" and try to undo the modifications with "Cancel".
> Here are some additional information about my configuration :
> nHibernate version:
> Active record version:
> Database: PostgreSQL 8.3
> Thanks in advance.
> /Greg
> >

Darius Damalakas

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