I am doing a performance upgrade for my desktop app, and i want to
make it start faster.

Now, the time between login screen is closed when the user enters his
username and password, and the main screen appears  is 4 seconds.

>From those two seconds the time is spent as follows:
1.  Show login form - 200 ms
2.  ActiveRecord initialization - 1120 ms   -  building cfg file from
our 50 class domain model, and loading it
3. Find user login info and load security info - 550 ms
 (this involves also invoking  NHibernate.Impl.SessionFactoryImpl
4.  Build main window - 814 ms
5. Populate main window with data from db 1101 ms
6. a call to Application.Run   - 200 ms

Now i have already moved some of the stuff to another thread, so when
the user is typing his username password (and i bet he does not that
in less than 1 or 2 seconds), some of the stuff is already

Now my problem is that i don't know if it possible to initialize
active record with our model classes.    ActiveRecord is being
initialized with this code:

ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(m_configurationSource, businessTypes);

However, login information is already included in configurationSource.
So that means i can not move this code to another thread, since i do
not have username and password.

So, i am thinkin of the following options:
1) Maybe is it possible to initialize AR and then just change user
name and password without reinitializing all models again?
If yes, could someone give an example.  I believe it might possible
just simply changing the connection string property in
m_configurationSource prior to issuing any queries against DB (so that
NHibernate session factory would not be created yet)

2) if first option is not possible, then there is another choice:
create a standard username and password, and connect to database
always with it. Now, a username and password must be stored somewhere,
so that will be a problem too, but for the moment let's say i would
just hard-code it in my dll.
Now, when the user tries to log in to my application, i would lookup
for his username and password in some database table (we already have
that, except it only has user name column, but not password)

3) if second option is not a right thing to do, then i don't know any
other option :)

Thank you for any ideas

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