Here's some hints:

Use the ExtJs forums - they're full of people who really try to help.

use controller methods to return JSON in the format ExtJs understands.

Look into the new remoting features - I haven't had a chance yet but it does
look very very cool. except for the tight coupling to ExtJs

If you're using the view port you'll find you pretty much only use actions
to return json to a single view housing the viewport - the whole view engine
goes out the window pretty much.

When you output JSON you'll probably need to do a little bit fo work to push
it in the right format:

RenderText("{\"total\": \"" + nodes.Count + "\", \"results\":" +
NewtonsoftJSONSerializer().Serialize(nodes) +

the total and results properties are needed by Ext to do things like paging.

It's pretty much par for the course though - two really good frameworks and
they fit together like a dream.


On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:19 AM, Cesar Sanz <>wrote:

> Hello community,
> Where do I can find information about using Extjs (js library) with
> MonoRail,
> specially I am interested in using the Tree component..
> Another question: Is the MonoRails Routing feature already finished.?
> Thanx
> >



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