A multi-step wizard *is* a session-wide action.
1. do all steps in Ajax way, aggregating the data on the client.  not easily
supported within the MR wizard infra.
2. use session to keep data between steps.  easy, simple, scaling issues
(unless using a farm-aware session storage)
3. use cookies/hidden-fields to keep wizard state - require a bit of manual

I'd usually go for 1 or 2, unless it's important to allow users to continue
the wizard later - then a session-in-short-lived-DB would make the better

as for validation and partial data - I'd model each step with it's own DTO
and it's own validations, and have the Complete step aggregate it into the
domain-entity-to-be-saved with it's higher level validation logic.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Daniel Hölbling <hoelblin...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently building a Registration form for my MonoRail application and
> there is a LOT of data to be entered by the user.
> So I decided to split it through using a Wizard interface.
> I just feel a bit at a loss what the best way would be to carry that
> intermediary data from Step to Step.
> I obviously can't put it in the DB or I'd see bad records in the Database
> hat need to be cleaned up afterwards.
> On the other hand I don't really feel comfortable putting that Data into
> the Session.
> Another problem I see is Validation:
> Since I am hydrating only one entity from the Form, the ActiveRecord
> validator will always report invalidity until the very last step when all
> required fields have been met.
> I'd really like to do some sort of AJAX instant validation on that form, so
> how do I query the validity of exactly one field?
> Does anyone have experience with the Wizards and can share some wisdom on
> how to use it without the solution getting too complicated?
> greetings Daniel
> >

Ken Egozi.
http://www.idcc.co.il - הכנס הקהילתי הראשון למפתחי דוטנט - בואו בהמוניכם

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