
Dan Jasek <>:

> Is there a hook I can connect to to detect when a session has failed?
If you are using IConversation, then it has an extension point for it as
shown in the docs.

> Also, is it possible to determine if an AR object is attached to an
> active session or not?  I looked through the documentation but didn't
> see a way.
Depends. Without conversations or scopes,every AR object is always detached
and will be only temporarily attached for DB operations. Those detached
objects however don't support lazy initialisation. You can however use a
non-lazy-class for detached operations and a lazy class for attached
operations that map to the same table.

Using conversation per modification could work.  If I did this, I
> don't think there would be any advantage to keeping the read-only
> display objects in a conversation (I don't need to traverse the web at
> this point).  I could just leave them as detached...
Not if you need lazy-loading and you will need it when you have a single web
of objects. See above for reasons.

Maybe I could periodically clean the cache myself.  It looks like
> NHibernate keeps the cache internal, however.  Do you know of a way to
> get to it?
No, but you might want to ask that question at the nh-users list.


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