Thanks Krzysztof,


I will respond soon with my extended thoughts. I am also working on a 
CodeProject article detailing my work and findings as well...


Thanks again


Adam Langley

Senior Developer


[] On Behalf Of Krzysztof Kozmic
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 10:07 p.m.
Subject: Re: decomission of transient services in child containers 
resolved/configured by a parent



That's an interesting scenario. Generally, as I blogged recently, container 
hierarchies are a teritory not very well defined, both implementation wise, and 
I would be very interested in getting your opinion on it.

What I think, is that probably similar thing should happen as in case of 
neseting containers - where releasing nested container, releases components 
resolved through it.

I don't know why that's different in case of Container wrappers, to be honest I 
never used them so maybe there's a reason for having this behavior rather than 
some other? Can you think of such scenario where nesting containers along with 
wrappers would not make sense?

And while we're on it - I'd really appreciate if you wanted to contribute to 
Windsor's documentation on the topic:
Perhaps by writing the docs and puring all your knowledge to paper will help us 
crystalize some ideas around this.

Anyone else who is using this functionality - feel free to join the discussion 
(and write docs!)


On 23/06/2010 10:04 AM, Adam Langley wrote: 

I am testing a specific use-case for the Windsor ContainerWrapper which I would 
like to run past the forum.

The ContainerWrapper is a ComponentModel ServiceContainer - the essence of its 
purpose is to provide 'siting' functionality to components, a sited componed 
being one that has it's lifecycle managed (automatic disposal when the owner of 
the ServiceContainer is disposed), and provide services to the components 
directly within.

I have a standard Windows Forms control hierarchy, where by I have replaced the 
default 'components' collection with a ContainerWrapper. These 
ContainerWrappers are chained through the control-hierarchy so that a deeply 
nested UserControl can obtain services from the Form simply by calling 

Now, this works perfectly, I am just having a small issue with lifecycle 
management of services.

Form ContainerWrapper1 UserControl1 ContainerWrapper2 UserControl2 

| | | | | |

[|] .ctor() | | | | |

[|]---------->[|] .ctor() [|] | | |

[|]-----------[|]-------------->[|] .ctor() | | |

[|] [|] [|]-------------->[|] .ctor() [|] |

[|] [|] [|]---------------[|]--------------->[|] |

[|] [|] [|] [|] GetService [|] |

[|] [|] [|] [|]<---------------[|] |

[|] [|] GetService [|] [|] [|] |

[|] [|]<--------------[|]---------------[|] [|] .ctor() |


[|] [|] [|] [|] [|] [|]

[|] [|] [|] [|] [|] |

[|] [|] [|] [|] | | 

[|] [|] [|] | | | 

[|] [|] | | | |


As in the diagram, the form creates the UserControl and sites it within the 
ContainerWrapper1, which in turn (InitializeComponent) creates UserControl2 and 
sites it within ContainerWrapper2.

These wrappers are chained, but their Kernels are not (this is how the 
ContainerWrapper works internally).

When UserControl2 asks for a service, which is configured at the 
ContainerWrapper1 level, the call gets promoted (NOT via the Kernel), from 
ContainerWrapper2 to ContainerWrapper1.

UserControl2 now has a reference to a transient service.

I have a case where by UserControl1 (and all its child controls) needs to be 
removed from Form.Controls collection, and disposed. This is fine, however 
ContainerWrapper1 holds the reference to the transient service (which is owned 
by the Form), so it is not disposed - even though the service was requested at 
the ContainerWrapper2 level....

Does this behaviour make sense? Or should (logically) ContainerWrapper2 be 
considered the 'owner' of the disposal policy of the service, and as such, 
dispose/release the transient instance?


Adam Langley

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