I'd like to integrate Castle Windsor into a set of existing Wcf services.

I've started with some sample services, and step by step added

The official documentation states

*If you are switching from WCF activation to Windsor's WcfFacility, please 
make sure to remove the ServiceBehavior attribute from service type.*

So I've removed it from my sample services, and registered the services 
with this code

 var filter = new 
 var descriptors = Classes.FromAssemblyInDirectory(filter)
                          .Where(t => t.GetInterfaces()
                                       .Any(i => 
 var serviceDescriptors = descriptors.WithService;

(GetDirectory is an extension method)

This code works, and, if I've understood correctly the docs, calling 
LifestylePerWcfOperation I should get the same behavior 
as InstanceContextMode.PerCall

Is this correct?

As a second point, how could I set ConcurrencyMode instead?


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