"Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> Sure, the PEP can be used as basis for the decision process, but
>> someone still has to make the decision to add a mirror or not
>> and these people should be appointed to by the PSF - much like we
>> have an infrastructure committee to see after the python.org site.
>> The situation is a lot like with the Python trademarks:
>> The good guys always come and ask for permission. The bad guys
>> don't. 
> With PEP 381, the bad guys won't get any attention. You can already
> run as many public mirrors of PyPI as you want, but nobody will notice.
> To become an official mirror, you have to ask for permission already;
> see the PEP.
>> In order to go after them we need a clear set of
>> rules for setting up and running a PyPI mirror and disallowing
>> setups that don't follow these rules.
> See the PEP.

Like I said: the PEP can be used to document the technical requirements
of being accepted as official mirror, but it doesn't cover any
of the legal requirements the PSF will need to put in place in
order to prevent unofficial mirrors which use the content to
e.g. increase their page rank, add advertisement and other
drive-by revenue, misrepresent authorship, add malware to popular
packages, etc.

Such requirements are not within the scope of a PEP. The decision
process itself is also not within the scope of the PEP. It only
outlines the technical details of official mirrors.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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