"Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> What about restricting the mirrors to the non web part in that case ?
> I think MAL is talking about a completely different setup: the
> unofficial mirror. The unofficial mirror doesn't follow any protocol;
> it's just a mirror of PyPI using the standard API to fetch all data
> available. People have been operating unofficial mirrors of various
> qualities for several years.
> Now, MAL is then concerned about malicious users of unofficial servers.
> They might try to get their mirror high-ranking in Google, and then
> redirect regular PyPI users to them. There isn't anything that the PEP
> can do about that.


> There has only been one such malicious mirror in the past. The PSF legal
> council was fairly helpful in dealing with that case.

Indeed, but only on trademark terms, not based on rules that
cover permission to mirror the data in the first place.

All that said, I think we can get a much simpler setup working
using an existing cloud distribution system. This will solve the
legal issues, the technical ones, simplify monitoring, remove the
need to have sys admins looking after the mirror servers, provide
statistics, etc. etc.

And it's cost effective too, since the time spent on all of the
above values a lot higher than the few dollars it costs to run
such a setup on Akamai or Amazon.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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